
We offer out patient care to all our regular service seekers. Based on prior appointments, they can utilize the on-line or direct consultation services.

Four types of services are offered:

1. Regular direct consultations: This is the typical direct face to face consultation – following all the mandatory covid-19 protocols issued by the Government and health authorities- now and then. Only those who are immunized, using masks and adhering to Covid-19 prevention protocol are eligible for this service. Prior appointment is mandatory.

2. Online consultations: As per Indian Law, even for on-line consultations, the client has to visit the clinic in-person for the first time. This visit is for registration and direct examination, which is mandatory. Only after this registration and direct consultation can any drug be prescribed. Those who do not require any drug can utilize our on-line counseling services.

Further follow up consults / reviews can be scheduled on-line. This is facilitated when the client and family member are reporting together online. On-line consultation is not the preferred mode of consultation and can only be requested in unavoidable situations. Online consultations have to be interspersed with direct consultations.

3. Online therapy sessions: When a psychological problem has been diagnosed and if it requires specific Therapy Sessions – like Behavioural Therapy or Coginitive Therapy or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Logotherapy or Supportive Psychotherapy- regular periodic online therapy can be scheduled. These sessions may typically last for about an hour. The minimum requirement is a laptop with video calling facility, a good internet service and strict privacy, with no interference or disturbance in-between the sessions.

4. Mixed Mode: Here direct visits for medication is combined with regular therapy sessions. This is decided on a case to case basis, based on its requirement.